Hambledon Public School

Learning for Life

Telephone02 9837 3200



We are now a GREAT Healthy School Canteen!

Hambledon PS has been awarded the Healthy School Canteen Badge and Certificate. 

The NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy is a key initiative to support the Premier’s Priority to tackle childhood obesity.

Having a healthy canteen means that your students are more likely to develop healthy eating habits that will have a long-term impact on improving their lives. 


Download the NEW 2025 canteen menus

Canteen Menu 2025

or scroll down to view the menu below.

Online ordering

We now have an online ordering system. 

Instructions for accessing this service can be downloaded at Hambledon Online Ordering (PDF 136 KB)

Ordering recess and lunch

  • Lunch bags can be taken home and sent to school - these can be placed in the box on our counter
  • Please clearly write your child's name & class on the lunch bag.
  • Orders are to be placed at the canteen by 9 am. In special cases, (late to school) bring it in as soon as you get to school.
  • Hot food for recess needs to be pre-ordered in the morning with your lunch order.
  • When ordering lunches that have a drink or ice block ordered, the child will receive their lunch FIRST then they return their lunch bag to the canteen to collect their DRINK or ICE BLOCK etc.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to NSW Health & Safety Regulations NO FOOD can be heated up at the canteen that has been brought in from home.